Die folgenden Funktionen, aufgelistet nach Lizenztyp, die den Auto Shutdown Manager zur besten und vollständigsten netzwerkfähigen PC-Energieverwaltungslösung für Laptops, Desktops und Server machen. 

Freigegeben für: Windows 11/10/8.x/7/Vista, Server 2022/2019/2016/2012R2 (64/32 Bit). Für WOL Proxies auch Java unterstützende Geräte wie Raspberry PI uva.





Standard Lizenzen
und alle Bundle-Pakete

Bildung / Behören:




(Light Version nur für privaten Gebrauch)

ITAM - IT Asset Management. Collect and report key assets from your client PCs.
Operation in Background - Windows Service Mode
Shutdown based on Timer countdown
SCCM Plug-In - Plugin into Microsoft® System Center Configuration Manager®
File Scanner: create own XML based jobs to schedule WoL, delete or move clients, add or remove WoL-Proxies
UPS support (USV Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung): Automatically switch off selected PCs or PC groups in the event of a power outage, and restart them when  power is restored
Forced Shutdown based on Time Rules
Remote Restart / Wake-Up / Shutdown
Auto Login User on Startup (Disable / Enable)
Auto Configurator for easiest initial setup
Detection of running Applications (e.g. PowerPoint)

Performance Counters for in-depth system analysis
Some examples:

  • Network traffic & utilization
  • Detection of processes and their utilization
  • Terminal sessions active
  • VPN Tunnel active
  • Backup is going on
  • And many more
Time Rules
Network Clients
Analysis of other TCP/IP equipment such as
receivers, printers, production machines, or Linux/MAC PCs
Mouse / Keyboard
CPU Utilization
HDD Utilization
Sound analysis (on 32-Bit OS only)
Scheduled Tasks analysis
Scheduled Shutdown of local or remote PCs
Scheduled Wake-Up of local or remote PCs
Prevent users from blocking public PCs by staying logged in for long times
Remote Management
Remote Shutdown and Restart
Detect IP Clients to prevent shutdown
Operation as Client
Operation as Server
Wake on Wan Client
Wake on Lan Scheduler
VMware service analysis
Start virtual machines at Startup
Suspend virtual machines before Shutdown
WOL - Start virtual machines via Wake On LAN
Log Up and Down times
Power consumption and CO2 reduction analysis

Simple PC time limitation (access protection)
Limit the PC time per local user and per day on a local machine

Extended PC time protection
Limit total time spent on computer per user account, centrally managed and based on Active Directory
Auto shutdown mode selection (e.g. use Standby in the afternoon, Hibernate or PowerOff at night)
Wake-Up PC from Sleep
Scheduled Maintenance WoL Wake-Up
Wake On LAN - Local Broadcast - Servers
Wake On LAN - Local Broadcast - Clients
Wake On LAN - Directed Broadcast -Servers
Wake On LAN - Directed Broadcast -Clients
Wake On WAN - Internet - Servers
Wake On WAN - Internet - Clients
Wake On LAN/WAN- WOL Proxy
Wake On LAN/WAN- WOL Proxy for RaspBerry Pi (Java)
Unterstützung für das Wake On LAN WEB Portal
WOL-Proxys automatisch generieren (aktualisiert WOL-Proxys automatisch, um ein zuverlässiges WOL zu gewährleisten, nachdem Netzwerkänderungen erkannt wurden)
Business Times Management
for example prevent shutdown during core business times
Dependent on Power mode (AC / DC)
Run Scripts or Application on Startup
Run Scripts or Application before Shutdown
User warnings before Shutdown
Maintenance reboot after x Shutdowns

Screen Saver Management

  • Bildschirm immer anlassen
  • Bildschirm anlassen, solange ausgewählte Anwendungen laufen
  • Bildschirm nach x Minuten PC Leerlauf abschalten (optional: und PC sperren)
  • Bildschirm abschalten sobald der PC gesperrt wird (WIN+L oder durch das System)


Windows Power Management
Save unsaved documents before shutdown
(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Outlook)
Zentrales Management
Organize Power Management Policies by Groups

Automatically assign PCs to Power Management Policies by:

  • PC Name filters
  • Active Directory Attributes (like OU=, CN=...)
  • Membership in active directory groups

Hidden operation on clients
Remote Shutdown
Remote Standby
Remote Hibernate
Remote Log-Off users
Remote Restart
Remote Wake-Up (LAN and WAN)
Settings Management and remote deployment
Centralized Updates
Maintenance Manager
License Manager
Central Monitoring
Protocol stored in Central Database
Support Command Line Arguments
Identify Clients with Power Supply Problems
Identify Clients with Thermal Problems
Identify Clients with Power Management Problems